LAS 5 MEJORES cosas qué ver en Isla de Coiba (2025)
Visitas, atracciones y actividades
Además de nuestra gama de paquetes de buceo y excursiones, también ofrecemos visitas guiadas individuales y de varios días para descubrir el Parque Nacional de Coiba y la zona local de Pixvae. Ambas zonas cuentan con abundante fauna y lugares de interés, tanto natural como cultural.
Las actividades pueden incluir:

Observación de ballenas y mamíferos marinos
(Estacional, de agosto a octubre) Parque Nacional de Coiba y sitios locales.

Rutas de senderismo
de la Isla Coiba y Pixvae

Observaciones de aves y fauna

Visitas a la playa


Senderismo a caballo (Pixvae)


Nuestro personal de buceo está a su disposición para informarle de todos nuestros paquetes de buceo y visitas guiadas y servicios.
Testimonios de nuestra escuela de buceo
Lo que dicen nuestros clientes
The absolute best experience! - I have lived in Panama for almost 13 years and have been to Pixvae and with Kevan Mantell several times. It never gets old or boring.
This trip is only for experienced travelers who are looking for adventure. If you're boring and need the comforts of an air conditioned hotel with animals in cages then this isn't the place for you. Go to Disney.
I have traveled here with friends, husband and my 3 kids ranging in age from 6-16 years old several times. From Sona to Pixvae, it's 2 hours on a rough gravel road. A strong SUV is necessary, some snacks, a beer or 2 and a love of adventure. It's up and down, curvy, through creeks, waving to the locals on horseback, waiting for the cows to move, watching the butterflies float past the car, listening to the howlers in the distance. Pretty boring right?
This past weekend was the best to the point that my now 7 year old asked why we kept stopping to watch all the Humpback whales. From the boat we saw more whale than we could count, jumping dolphin and jumping rays, sea turtles, flying fish, other jumping fish. Snorkeling we saw sea turtles, white tipped shark, octopus, eels, so many fish. The scuba divers saw all of that plus a 15 foot manta ray.
And to top off all of that, Kevan Mantell is an amazingly experienced and knowledgeable marine biologist who knows the ocean like it's his backyard. When I was snorkeling, he told me to go to a specific area where I would find a specific coral and there would be a shark there. And he was exactly right. Another spot he told us about the giant male sea turtle that lives in the area and sure enough, we found him too. His gentle nature and massive amount of knowledge about the ocean puts the cherry on top.
The house he sets up for us is a basic concrete structure with the bare necessities so be prepared for a cold shower and simple rooms. Bring your own cooler packed with snacks and ice. The town has no electricity. The ladies cooked breakfast and dinner for us - delicious meals that filled us up after a day out on the boat.
This trip is really only for those who love adventure. If you're looking for a touristy destination with some pre-packaged enjoyment, this is not for you. But for the adventure seekers, it doesn't get much better than this.

septiembre 24, 2018